OK, so what is the deal here. In the thumbnail pic I see on this post there is only one bluebird and the headline or header says, two bluebirds? Which is it? One or two. Well, if you click in on the posting you will get your answer. Now, how do I know these are Big Rock bluebirds. Well, they look to me like the bluebirds I usually see when I drive to Big Rock and spend any amount of time there at all. When was the last time you went to Big Rock, Tennessee? I used to go there on a semi-regular basis to play with friends and enjoy some time playing in the creek that runs right smack dab though the middle of town. I have always enjoyed visiting Big Rock and I have always enjoyed taking photos of bluebirds, where it is one, two or even more. This is one of the posts that will very soon be featured as one of the needed posts to visit in the upcoming LBLUS.com Treasure Hunt and Scavenger Hunt. These are endeavors we started with WTWL-FM and will carry to the next level with LBLUS.com. Now for all of my grammar and writing and editing ‘nazi’ friends out there .. does the header mean the bird or the wire is from Big Rock? Let’s hear your responses… — Stay tuned and stay on the wire!