I attended the last Dover City Council meeting and was surprised to hear the city plans to sell this asset. I am out of the loop as of late and only recently have been attending local meetings again. Why are we selling this vacant lot? There was no discussion on why the lot was being sold, just that it is being put up on govdeal.com or some such site …. City fathers and mothers did not know for sure how much land they planned to sell, exactly, so the lot has not yet been put up for sale.City council is slated to meet again Monday and I assume take the final vote to sell this lot. Why? If there is a good reason, I would like to know. I think it has a lot of potential value to the City of Dover taxpayers/citizens. I believe now is just about the worst time you can pick to sell a valuable piece of land, unless you need the money…Does the City of Dover need to sell this valuable asset because we need the money? If we need the money and need to sell for that reason, why do we need the money? If we do not need the money, why are we selling? If anyone knows, please let me know .. again .. . there was no discussion on the rationale as to why the land needs to be sold. In fact, I tried to talk to one of my council members after the meeting about the sale and all he would do was smile at me and not say anything…. The vote to sell the vacant lot beside Dover City Hall was Three for selling it and two against the sale … They meet again Monday night … I am giving them all fair warning that, Good Lord Willing, I will be at the meeting Monday and I will be asking for a reason or reasons why they are selling the lot now.