What is really going on in this bitter and weird highly-public feud between our United States Congressman and the Stewart County, Tennessee mayor? The Congressman comes to Irish Day in Erin and disses/bypasses Dover’s Eagle Fest? The Congressman personally visits the Dover Mayor but will not take the Stewart County Mayor’s phone calls? What gives? — Who are the losers in this personality spat? The citizens, voters and taxpayers … we are the losers … again…
Part One
Our United States Congressman Mark Green (R-Tennessee) was not at Dover’s Eagle Fest May 22, but he was at Erin’s Irish Day Parade just a few weeks ago. What’s the deal? What was the difference? The congressman’s representative at Eagle Fest said the congressman had a “scheduling conflict” that prevented him from being at the Dover deal. Green was in high form May 10 in Erin on parade day as he socialized readily with parade participants at the line up area and along the parade route. He was a no show in Dover. Could it be the very high profile public feud between the congressman and the Stewart County, Tennessee Mayor that has erupted and spilled out onto social media between the two? During opening ceremonies the Stewart County Mayor waved to the crowd when introduced, but had no verbal remarks. He was the only politician introduced Saturday who only waved and did not talk. Green’s representative talked, but he really did not say anything. There was a huge elephant on the Eagle Fest stage that no one acknowledged. Is this very public and very nasty spat between these two politicians who represent US hurting US? Are we the victims in this political drama. I am not sure what the real story is on this situation and I am not sure the politicians, or at least their handlers, know either. I know what I saw. I saw Mark Green in Erin and I did not see him in Dover. On another note, and with another politician, I saw and heard an elected state representative — who purportedly represents all of us == stand up in front of the Eagle Fest crowd and proceed to spew a partisan rant at an event that was designed to bring all of us together, not continue the toxic divide that is bitter and confusing. Eagle Fest was not the place for a partisan tirade, especially one that was not given equal time for debate. I would have this opinion no matter what side the state politician was on had he or she proceeded to take the bully pulpit at a public gathering of unity and proceed to attempt to turn it into a one-sided, slanted partisan fear mongering, vote getting or vote solidifying opportunity. There are times I agree with this state representative. Other times I do not. On Saturday I did not agree with his decision to go partisan at an obviously non-partisan event. We are all Americans. I do not question another American’s patriotism or their faith. We can disagree on issues and we should have respectful disagreement. That is how compromise and consensus is reached. That is how we move forward. This winner take all shoot the wounded win at all costs mentality and demonize the other side philosophy is backward thinking and moves US backward rather than forward and Lord knows we do not need to go back further than we are and that is being conservative in my tone. I liked what our final speaker of the opening ceremonies had to say in his words of encouragement to the audience and his prayer to our Holy Father in Heaven who is the God of all, not just one side or the other in politics. He said, “Lord, let us look after those whom no one wants.” —- Amen! We are in this together and our politicians need to stop acting like they are the anointed ones. They were given a great gift and that is the gift of being in the position to serve the public, All of the public, not just your public. — Stop clowning around and start representing ALL of US. I do not expect things to improve, I predict they will get worse. That is bad news for all of US. — Stay tuned and what do you think?
Part Two

Yeah, Kyle Mallory — on ‘paper’ it may be the way you say; but in reality our entire county is in exile due to this public and weird feud. —— When the most powerful man in Stewart County, who represents ALL of US, and our most powerful and most accessible U.S. representative, who is our advocate at the highest level are at public odds and are refusing to communicate, then WE, the citizens of this rural county, are like the children in a bitter and spiteful divorce — we are being played off of each other — which side do you agree with? Whom do you want to live with? Mommy or Daddy? — This is personal politics at its worst. — I have no words for what I am seeing between the congressman and the mayor. — They hold the power and WE are the pawns. — The county commission is going to ignore this ‘cult of personality’ because, like on the national level, they as individuals are fearful of being primaried in the 2022 election. == What passes as the local press is biased and has no inclination or reason to provide both sides, or all sides of this story. The radical base is satiated and the general public is once ignored. — These two need to bury the hatchet. One of them needs to step up, be the bigger man, apologize and move let US all move forward as a county and a portion of a U.S. Congressional district. Will that happen? — I do not know. — Consensus and compromise is how we move forward. — This is a ploy to gain a head start or advantage in the next local election and in the next congressional election. — Will we ever know the full story? I do not think the two politicians, either one, know the full story. I know the local press does not know the full story. — If this is not resolved it gets worse — and once again Stewart County moves backward rather than forward. —
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If you are going to go into politics at any level and you win, you represent EVERYONE in your county or your district, not just the ones you like or like you or agree with you or you agree with. — You become the servant, not the master. — I see too many at all levels who believe their own press. — We are not being well represented right now, on any level. — This maniacal discourse is lazy politics. Getting projects on the table and completed takes work — I can name 50 or more projects this county needs to be addressing and we need the help and backing of our U.S . Congressman and our U.S. Senators .. and our state rep and state senator ..
Extra curious, David, as a Tennessee taxpayer, which state politician abused the Irish Day festivities in Erin to partake in a fear-mongering partisan rant no one wanted on an otherwise pleasant day. Was he whining about masks, or infrastructure, or…?
That was at Eagle Fest, Carter Moody and it was our State Representative. I agree with him on some issues and others I do not. If you are lucky enough to win an election, you represent everyone whether you agree with them or not or like them or not, or if they like you or not. — Again …. No speeches at Irish Day .. just fun …. Eagle Fest became a partisan platform …. Eagle Fest was a moment to unite us, at least for a while; not continue and escalate the bitter, confusing divide.
If you care to read his quotes it is in the local publication that passes as our paper of record. I decided not to air his partisan grievances ….