A full schedule of events for Memorial Day 2021 in Dover/Stewart County, Tennessee is available here on LBLUS.com, along with a gallery of photographs from Memorial Day observances in the past. We at LBLUS.com — ‘The Public Voice & Vision of the Land Between the Lakes Area/Region’ hope you and your family have a safe and happy Memorial Day and that we all remember and recognize the sacrifices made by the men and women of our Armed Services who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have — even those freedoms to disagree at times with one another — each day. God bless US all and God Bless the United States of America!
On display now on the grounds of the Stewart County Visitors Center is the impressive, life-sized “Traveling Korean War Monument” which is free and open to the public. Citizens can walk among the statues and see the intricate detail and see the remarkably accurate depiction of the ‘Korean War Monument’ that is in Washington, D.C.
Stewart County Memorial Day Observance Schedule of Events
Memorial Day Observance ceremony —- 11:00 AM at Stewart County Visitor Center117 Visitor Center DriveDover, Tennessee
11:30 AM Wreath Laying/Playing of Taps at Fort Donelson National Cemetery174 National Cemetery DriveDover, Tennessee
3:00 PM Taps Across America at Fort Donelson National Cemetery174 National Cemetery DriveDover, Tennessee
Traveling Korean War Memorial All Day – Until 6:00 PM at Stewart County Visitor Center117 Visitor Center DriveDover, Tennessee
