‘I got to get a picture of this majestic guy yesterday when I made a brief work visit to what I call my beloved second home, Erin, TN and Houston County. — ” —
Above is what I posted on Facebook on April 23, 2020 on my Facebook Page, so I must have taken the photo on April 22, 2020. I see a hawk (or hawks) on a semi-regular basis between HCMS and Erin and I wonder if it is the “Irish Hawk” I have a photo of here? So far I have yet to get him or her to hold still long enough for me to get another photo or set of photos. I was taking this one very soon after I had scored my Nikon camera with the super-telephoto lens that I found in a Clarksville Pawn Shop. This is one of the first shots I got with that camera that I have nicknamed, “My secret weapon.” Taking shots of birds and other wildlife and posting the photos on Facebook was very therapeutic for me.. (and I had to look up the spelling on therapeutic not once, but twice.) This shot and some others like it are the ones that led me to really start looking at launching this news/featue/photo/opinion site, LBLUS.com.