It was pouring buckets this morning in Carlisle as I was headed to Erin and visibility was dense. I saw something big in the road — and swerved to miss this fellow. He (or she) was in the road making it quickly to the other side where a dry weather creek was running full blast! I was running pretty much on time for my appointment, but decided, what the heck — I’m on summer break. So I turned my auto around and went back and the old dude was already on the other side of the road, headed for the water. She (or he) stopped for a bit to pose for a few wet weather photos for me before oncoming traffic hastened me back into the Fusion and we both were on out separate ways. I got some shots of the guy’s shell that had several cracks in it, including one that ran the length of its shell in the middle. What a warrior. I was going to title this post “Carlisle warrior” but just looking at him (or her) you do not have to say this guy is a warrior; that is a given. Most importantly, and for a fact, she (or he) is a VERY fast crawler! And the rain today, at least in Carlisle, Tennessee, was fierce!