Stewart County High School (Tennessee) Class of 2021 held a perfect commencement ceremony on June 4, 2021. The event was held outside on the Francis Carson Memorial Football field. The graduates were perfect, the evening could not have been better, the crowd was well-behaved. The speeches were interesting and short. It really was the perfect graduation for the SCHS Class of 2021!
After the processional onto the field, the welcome was given by Alexandria Anderson, 2020-2021 Student Council President; Senior Class President William Guynn gave the Honor and Dedication of Ceremony; Salutatorian Address was given by Alexandria Anderson; There were remarks by Director of Schools Mike Craig followed by a selection from the SCHS Band. The Valedictory address was given by Shane Tanner and the Senior Song was a Hannah Montana song, “I Will Always Remember You.” The Presentation of Diplomas was conducted by SCHS principal Ben Duncan and assistant principal Tammy Gray. The platform of guests, which included school board members, was recognized. Then the graduates were given their diplomas, to the delight of family members in the audience. It was a perfect graduation on a perfect night in Stewart County, Tennessee!

[…] Stewart County High School Class of 2021 Holds PERFECT Graduation! […]