Town of Dover officials in about two weeks will get an engineer’s report giving them an idea of how bad and about how costly the foundation problems are with the city’s relatively new municipal building.
For years folks have noticed cracks in the outside and inside walls of city hall and at last month’s meeting, interim Dover city administrator Charles Parks asked council for up to $4,000 to have Seth Rye engineering find out more and report back. Parks had said he’d hoped to have the report by the end of this week or by the first of next week. Seth Rye said yesterday if may be two weeks or a bit longer before the report is complete.
Earth Science Engineering of Clarksville, TN a geotechnical engineering firm has drilled five holes outside of city hall to determine the soil and earth structure under the mid-1990s era building.
Seth Rye of Rye Engineering, Erin, TN is the Town of Dover’s engineer and Rye said ESE’s report could take up to two weeks or more to get into the hands of Dover officials.
City officials thought the timing may be such that the report on the city hall problems would be available to them by June’s city council meeting, which is set June 14, the second Monday of the month.
On the agenda from last month is a move to sell the Town of Dover’s level vacant lot beside city hall through an online auction company. Many city residents want the Dover fathers and mothers to not sell the vacant lot beside city hall, especially since it is unknown now how bad the problems are with the current city hall.
Other city residents, including some city council members, say the level vacant lot beside city hall is not being used and has not been used by the city and that it fits in with no future city plans. They say the lot is a liability and burden to Dover, not an asset, and needs to be sold to the highest bidder.
Reportedly several entities are interested in the lot beside Dover City Hall, including investors from Clarksville, Tennessee and possibly adjoining landowners.
……………………This story will update ….
Written by David R. Ross – — ©all rights reserved, 2021

[…] Dover City Hall ‘hole report’ expected in 2 weeks ~ Dover, Tennessee (Stewart Co.) […]