Kyle Mallory, a popular veteran of the Stewart County High School and Stewart County Middle School classrooms will be the new SCHS vice principal.
Kyle Mallory replaces Dr. Tammy Gray who moved to SCHS principal when Dr. Ben Duncan took a promotion as a supervisor for the Stewart County, Tennessee school system.
When asked for some comments, Kyle Mallory was happy to oblige. Here is what he had to say:
“I have been a social studies teacher in Stewart County since 2006 originally at SCMS but transferred to the high school to teach government and economics. I appreciate the opportunity administration has given me to help the students in Stewart County in a different roll that I feel I’m ready and needed. I hope to continue to expose our best and brightest to our state government through the Top 40 trips for our seniors and depending on time constraints the job shadowing trips to the capitol. Last political season we had former students working/getting paid on political campaigns and one at this moment working in DC. My greatest honor was the Class of 2019 dedication of graduation. This class I was with for 7 years at both the middle and high school,” Mallory wrote
Kyle Mallory has organized, sponsored and chaperoned many school trips to our state capitol in Nashville, Tennessee and to Washington, D.C. He has received many prestigious awards and honors.
It is believed that Kyle Mallory is the first Houston County, Tennessee native to be among the administrative ranks of the Stewart County, Tennessee school system. Stewart County native and SCHS graduate Linda Jolly was principal of Houston County High School for many years.
LBLUS.com wants to congratulate Kyle Mallory on being named to this important position.