The United States Army’s celebrated ‘Week of the Eagles’ is underway at Fort Campbell, Ky., and is an annual celebration hosted by the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). We salute our neighbors at Fort Campbell and the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and hope this year’s celebration is safe, fun and well attended.
The United States Army, Fort Campbell, Ky., and the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) have the following information on ‘Week of the Eagles’, below:

101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)
WEEK OF THE EAGLES – 2021 —- Soldiers and civilians of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell are excited to host Family members, community members, veterans and distinguished guests on Fort Campbell in celebration of the 2021 Week of the Eagles, June 21-25. E
Thursday, June 24 Welcome CenterJun 24, 2021, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
The Don F. Pratt Museum will serve as the Welcome Center for the Week of the Eagles 2021. Find information on events and learn more about the history of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell.
** Fully vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a mask on Fort Campbell, with a few exceptions.
In the following facilities, masks are still required for ALL individuals:
1. BACH, health clinics and dental clinics
2. COVID-19 vaccination and testing sites
3. All DoDEA facilities
4. All Child Development Centers and School Age Centers
For unvaccinated individuals, Fort Campbell and DOD policy still require mask wear indoors and outdoors.
To read the full policy, visit **
Fort Campbell Hosts Cooking Competition for Week of the Eagles
By Spc. Jeremy Stillwagner Jr.June 23, 2021
FORT CAMPBELL Ky.–The Week of the Eagles is an annual celebration hosted by the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), consisting of competitions, open houses and demonstrations designed to show that the 101st is trained and ready for any situation, highlighting the many talents of their Soldiers. The annual culinary competition is one event that brings Soldiers from all over the 101st together for a friendly competition. It’s held every year during the Week of the Eagles, but this year the competition was a little different.
The organizers of this year’s competition drew inspiration from popular cooking TV shows in order to make the contest more interesting, while giving the competing Soldiers a chance to show off their creativity. “Each round the competitors are given a basket of mystery ingredients: they have to prepare two courses, an appetizer and an entree using those items,and they have one hour to do so,” said CW3 Jason Page, the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Senior Food Advisor, and an organizer of the competition. “They don’t have to use the whole item, but they do have to incorporate each basket ingredient in some way.”
Each brigade within the 101st sends at least one 92G, Culinary Specialist, one Soldier from a different MOS, and any third Soldier of their choice each year to compete. The Soldiers that are chosen to compete face off against each other in four qualifying rounds, with the winner of each round moving on to the finals.
Once Soldiers reach the finals, they have three more rounds of cooking before a winner is chosen. After each round, one finalist is eliminated, until only the winner is left at the end of the third round. The top three placing Soldiers, Sgt. 1st Class Adam Herrman, Special Troops Battalion,101st Division Sustainment Brigade, placing first, Sgt. Anthony McKoy, 1-187 Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team “Rakkasans,” in second, and 1st Lt. Nickesha Carmichael, 626 Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team “Rakkasans,” in third were presented their medals by the Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division, Maj. Gen. JP McGee. The three Soldiers presented with a 101st Airborne Division coin and a Division Food Service coin from Sgt. Maj. Jason Baldwin SR.
The winners weren’t the only ones to walk away with a new coin in their pocket: The Soldiers working behind the scenes to keep the dishes and kitchen clean for the contestants were also thanked for their hard work and presented a Division Food Service coin from Sgt. Maj. Baldwin.