How many times have I passed through New Concord, Kentucky? At all times of the day or night; at all times of the year — as I was an undergraduate student and graduate student at Murray State University and all the times all of us would travel to Murray, Ky. to bowl, watch movies, circle the town, circle the campus — you name it! There was always New Concord, Ky., to pass through going and coming. I am glad to say the little town is quite busy as I had to get out of the way of several vehicles coming from all the different directions, so lots of folks still live in and near New Concord — the heart of the LBL area, in my book.

In reading the Wikipedia entry on New Concord, Ky., I see that the annual JimmyFest is held downtown each year on Memorial Day Weekend and I am sad to have missed that event! Better luck next year!