Amazing that I did not manipulate this shot in the old lightroom/editing room, but simply adjusted the focus and wow what a shot! It looks like a candyland poster or even a couple of candy cane candlesticks; but what is even more amazing that likely in just a few years we will no longer see just this shot as TVA is looking to shut down C City’s plant. I wonder — just how long will all of the Cumberland City stacks remain up? Will they be taken down or will they stay up until they fall? The two older, larger stacks have been up for half a century or more, I believe. I know it is close to 50 years and it could be even a bit longer than that. Anyway, wonder if they will take down the stacks or if they will remain. Even a bigger question is wonder if anything even close to the economic engine here will replace TVA’s Cumberland Plant? I guess we will. have to wait and see.