This little LBL Baby Raccoon was busy stealing hearts Sunday morning! For some time now I have been hunting a photo of an LBL Raccoon, especially an LBL Baby Raccoon. The elusive masked critter is always just a little bit faster on the getaway than I am with the camera.
Got the Raccoon Shot
This past Sunday morning I was on my way to church service nearby at one of our great LBL area churches and lo and behold, there in the roadway was this adorable little kit. (Yes, a baby raccoon is called a ‘kit’ and the correct American spelling of the name of the animal is with two Cs rather than one. )
I literally stopped my car in the road and got my trusty Nikon ‘secret weapon’ camera I try to take along with me everywhere I go. I figured the little guy (or gal) would hit the woods and be long gone by the time I got out, camera on and focused, etc., etc. Indeed the little kit did hit the weeds, but I could see the tall weeds rustling. As I looked both ways to make sure I wasn’t going to be road kill, the kit looked up at me and gave me this absolutely adorable face-on shot!

The Getaway
After the little fellow looked up at me and gave me a head on shot, then he (or she) scampered away back into the weeds. It headed up a hill and was in and out of sight for a while. I was able to get a few more shots. This little raccoon, or kit, was all by itself. I was looking around for its mama, but If the parent was around, I could not see her. (I also checked for a possibly dead raccoon on the roadway and fortunately did not see that either.)
Excited for the Raccoon shots!
I will say that I haven’t been as excited about any of the shots I have taken recently of LBL area wildlife as I have been of getting these particular shots of this little LBL Baby Raccoon. As I said, I have seen some raccoons in recent years and without fail, by the time I got my camera out the animals have always been long gone. This little one seemed to wait on me and when I was ready, it almost seemed willing to look up and give me the cute pose and then scamper away.
I hope it lives a very long, long raccoon life in our LBL area paradise.
Story and Photos by David R. Ross —