Dirt dauber days be here again
dirt dauber days remain
Not leaving or believing this time
seemingly, active, miserably, hot, hot, very hot
are dirt dauber days
she’s not active or enthused as she should be
and speaking of bees, none to be
seen — nowhere —
too hard to find
even the time
from falling into rhyme
it’s the end not the start
All debate of it stands
couldn’t be much hotter or dryer
but as the old folks say
“Everyone talks about the weather but no one actually changes it because that would be climate change and there’s no such thing as that” or at least I remember the old folks saying something
In the days of the dirt dauber, it’s off to the mud and back again to build and back to the mud and build
and only the dirt dauber is alive in this hot
like this or that.
Too much heat to think and much too hot to try and figure out
the dirt dauber has it right