It is relaxing to watch these beautiful young animals gaze and graze so gracefully. The LBL Buck and Doe here were having supper this early evening at the Breakout Area of Fort Donelson National Military Park. The Breakout Area is located off of Natcor Drive in historic Dover, Tennessee.
(I was rereading this and saw I had posted as Fort Donelson National Military Park. That is the old name of Fort Donelson. It changed to Fort Donelson National Battlefield in the early 1980s. My mistake, but I am leaving it so that some folks will know of the former name. )
I think this headline gives a great indication of just how relaxing this scene was and is for me. I enjoy looking at this photo and remembering how I got this shot.
LBL Buck and Doe gaze, graze gracefully in Dover, Tennessee. The words just flow effortlessly when read silently or aloud.
Photograph Time
This time of year is a great time to get very good shots of Whitetail Buck. Usually during the hunting season, it is almost impossible to get a buck to stand still for a millisecond.
This young buck was more than confident I was shooting him with nothing more than a camera. That is how I like to shoot animals in the Land Between the Lakes area.
When photographing whitetail deer it is important to be very still! I watched these two for a few minutes before I even lifted my camera to take a shot. They were relaxed and I got several nice images.
I was driving past the Breakout Area when I saw the rack on this deer. The rack was hoisted up into the air as the young buck was surveying the area to make sure no intruders were about to interrupt the lunch he was sharing with his girlfriend.
I turned my car around at the entrance of the Stewart County Detention Center, located nearby.
I thought by the time I got back, this pair would be gone. However, the two were still gazing around quietly and grazing gracefully. I enjoyed watching them in their natural setting. Then I shot my photos.