The Calloway County, Kentucky Courthouse in Murray, Ky., is one of the historic gems in the Land Between the Lakes area. The historic courthouse is actually a very nice subject for making large structure photographs.
Calloway County was named in 1822 for Col. Richard Callaway, according to the historical marker on the grounds of the Calloway County, Kentucky Courthouse. It is not known why the name of the county is spelled “Calloway” and the founder’s last name is spelled, “Callaway” according to local information.
“Callaway came to Kentucky with pioneer Daniel Boone In 1776. One of the founders of Boonesboro, he instilled confidence in success among other settlers,” the historical marker says. “In one year, 1777, he was appointed Col. of Militia and Justice of the Peace. He was elected a representative of Kentucky County in General Assembly of Va,” the historical marker says. “He was killed by Indians at Boonesboro in 1780. The County formed from Hickman County,” the historical marker says.
Calloway County, Kentucky is celebrating its Bicentennial during the year of 2022. The Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce and other local civic and historic groups are holding events and celebrations throughout the year to commemorate and celebrate the 200 year anniversary.
This building was very photogenic at every angle on this fine summer, mid-morning.
The way the light catches this particular shade of brown on the brick, especially in mid-morning. during the summer makes the entire area sparkle for the camera. This is one of the most spectacular of all of the courthouse in the Land Between the Lakes area.
If you visit the historic Calloway County Courthouse in Murray, Kentucky, you will also have the opportunity to see a very picturesque downtown area. The Murray downtown is still a very vital and active hub of commerce.
Murray, Ky., is also home to Murray State University.