As I was finished taking photos of our Bald Eagle at the lower river battery at Fort Donelson a gentleman, who reminded me of my father, drove up and said, “There’s another one over there!” and he pointed out this bald eagle perched in a huge tall tree overlooking the Cumberland River at the upper water battery. The two eagle sentinels were an amazing pair to behold. I noticed the license plates on the man’s car said ‘Henry County ‘and our eagles have regular watchers and fans from all over…
I’ve been some time since last checking in on my Bald Eagle friends at Fort Donelson National Battlefield, in historic Dover, TN (Stewart County) and they have already raised and fledged another family. Just how many visitors have our nesting pair of bald eagles brought to Dover and Stewart Couny? No telling. When this shot was taken yesterday there were several folks at the park turntable watching the two eagles at their different sentry points.
(….now, looking at my post from an editor’s point of view.. in the last sentence, grammatically and linguistically speaking, I seem to possibly be saying that the people were up in the trees watching the eagles .. rather than edit, I decided to leave it and comment. How important is it to write clearly? Well, clearly it is very important .. but the stream-of-consciousness flow of thought is also my best way to get ideas on paper .. or in this instance ..on screen. Now, for what it’s worth, Google tells me I write with words that are “too big” and that I need to use simpler words .. or more simple words. … I write how it comes out .. anyway .. What do you think? — Did I put the people in the trees? …)