A full schedule of events for Memorial Day 2021 in Dover/Stewart County, Tennessee is available here on LBLUS.com, along with a gallery of photographs from Memorial Day observances in the past. We at LBLUS.com — ‘The Public Voice & Vision of the Land Between the Lakes Area/Region’ hope you and your family have a safe and happy Memorial Day and that we all remember and recognize the sacrifices made by the men and women of our Armed Services who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have — even those freedoms to disagree at times with one another — each day. God bless US all and God Bless the United States of America!
Click HERE for more!Category: Commentary
Opinion pieces on LBL area news and happenings
‘The Leaf Chronicle,’ Clarksville, TN has solid coverage of last night’s virtual Town Hall on impending closure of Cumberland Fossil Plant, Cumberland City
It was difficult to navigate through the links and all on the virtual town hall meeting that the Tennessee Valley Authority held last night on the impending closure of the …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
Click HERE for more!‘Super blood-red flower moon’ with a total lunar eclipse in the morning ~ LBLUS.com ~ Land Between the Lakes area
The night sky in LBLUS.com World is putting on quite the spectacular spectacle tonight and tomorrow morning with the assistance of our good old friend, The Moon. Lots of things …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
Click HERE for more!‘Festival of Politics and Vice Versa’ ~ Local politics & politicians in the Land Between the Lakes area (Part I & Part II)
What is really going on in this bitter and weird highly-public feud between our United States Congressman and the Stewart County, Tennessee mayor? The Congressman comes to Irish Day in …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
Click HERE for more!‘The beauty & power of one’ ~ Dyers Creek, Stewart Co. Tn.
There is tremendous dignity in the power and beauty of one. Please enjoy the beauty, and the power, of this one single dandelion standing alone, overlooking the water. Do you …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
Click HERE for more!“Downside up downspout & red rare waterbird”‘ ~ Dyers Creek Recreational Area, Stewart Co. Tn.
There are various ways to label or define something or to name something. What is worth taking the time to read and to process? What is worth looking at or …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
Click HERE for more!“Let’s go fishin’!” ~ Dyers Creek, Stewart Co. Tn
One of the most popular activities, hobbies, pursuits, businesses, obsessions even in the LBLUS.com are is fishing. No doubt! Right now the fish are biting (and so are the mosquitos) …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
Click HERE for more!Patriotic Politicians Participated in popular Parade in Erin, TN (Houston County)
Many of our politicians were in attendance at the recent Irish Celebration and Irish Day Parade May 10, 2021 in Erin, Tennessee (Houston County). The Irish Parade has a rich …………… CLICK ON for full article…..
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